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Pet insurance 101: What you should consider before buying

22/05/2024 - Jonalyn

In recent years, the rise of pet insurance has mirrored the affection we hold for our pets—treating them no less than family. As the number of households with furry companions soars to 111 million in the U.S., ensuring their health has become a priority. However, veterinary emergencies can present a hefty financial burden, with costs ranging from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars. This financial challenge has led to the significant growth of pet insurance, with policies increasing by almost 93% since 2019.

During my experience of raising pets, particularly with my dog Lucy, I've seen pet care costs escalate, and with them, the premiums for insurance. Initially, Lucy's insurance was affordable, but over nine years, the fees nearly tripled, rising far beyond the expected annual cap. The questions, then, revolve around the true value of these policies and the transparency in the industry. As someone who has witnessed both the promise and pitfalls of pet insurance, I understand the nuances of navigating this booming but sometimes perplexing sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Pet insurance has seen a surge in popularity, reflecting the love and care we provide for our pets.
  • The industry faces challenges in policy clarity and consumer education regarding costs and coverage.
  • Alternatives to traditional pet insurance, such as emergency funds, may offer financial advantages.

Trends in Pet Insurance Adoption

Growth in Policy Acquisition

Pet insurance is experiencing a significant surge. By last year's end, policy sign-ups soared by nearly 93% since 2019. I considered insurance essential immediately after getting my dog as a pet, much like insuring my children for their welfare.

Pet Healthcare: A Family Matter

Our pets hold a place in our hearts akin to family. In the U.S., roughly 111 million households include a canine or feline friend. And just like any family member, their health is vital. However, unforeseen veterinary visits can impose financial strain, ranging from $250 to a substantial $1,600.

Escalating Emergency Veterinary Expenses

Monitoring the industry reveals an upward trend in emergency veterinary costs, coupled with significant differences in charges amongst popular insurance providers. Quotes for a three-year-old mixed dog revealed premiums spanning from $41 to an eye-opening $167 per month, excluding routine check-ups. Mindful of this, I advise securing a policy when pets are young to avoid exclusions due to pre-existing conditions.

Indeed, the difference in my dog’s insurance from the initial $33 per month to the current $80 after nine years—a 141% increase—underscores that rates can climb. While some years saw manageable rises, others have exceeded the cap promised in my policy. Despite the heartfelt value pets provide, some, including me, question the stint of pet insurance as a profitable investment.

Careful contemplation is prudent before entering into a policy. It's essential to gauge insurance value against its costs. In the end, thorough research—including considering accident-only policies and opting for higher deductibles for manageable premiums—is crucial for any responsible pet owner.

The Expense of Health Coverage for Pets

Evolution of Insurance Premiums Over Time

When I first chose to insure my dog, Lucy, the monthly premium was affordable at $33. As the years progressed, the premium has seen a significant uptick, now standing at nearly $80 monthly. This marks an increase of 141% over a period of nine years. My experience has revealed that the ascent in costs can sometimes surpass the expected yearly cap, revealing a growth rate that may challenge the initial appeal of securing pet insurance.

Evaluating Various Pet Insurers

Looking into the offerings of different pet insurance providers, I collected quotes for a hypothetical three-year-old mixed-breed dog. The comparison of monthly rates revealed a spectrum, with Embrace sitting at the lower end at $41, and True Canyon at the high with $167. I observed that these prices vary widely considering similar coverage levels with deductibles between $200 to $500, but it's noteworthy that none of these plans include routine examinations.

Non-Coverage of Standard Health Evaluations

An important aspect of understanding pet insurance is recognizing what isn't covered. A common exclusion is routine exams, which means that standard check-ups and preventative care are generally not included in the coverage. This is a limitation I considered when assessing the true value of my policy, as such out-of-pocket expenditures are an inevitable part of a pet's healthcare.

Perspectives from Within the Industry

Reasons Behind Changing Insurance Premiums

When I first brought Lucy, my puppy, into my home, the idea of insuring her seemed prudent. I started with a monthly premium of $33, but over nine years, that figure escalated to $80—a 141% increase. This rise outpaced the policy's stipulation that annual hikes wouldn't surpass 20%. Such growth rates in premiums are concerning, especially when compared with veterinary care inflation.

Advocating for Enhanced Clarity and Oversight

The growth of my premium was disheartening, and it's clear to me that this industry lacks transparency. While talking to policyholders who experienced similar situations, it became apparent that there is room for enhancing consumer understanding of pricing models. As Jeff Foose, a fellow pet owner, was explaining his dissatisfaction with the investment, it resonated with me. Indeed, a clearer regulatory environment is needed to prevent pet owners from feeling misled.

Rates Compared Across Companies

For a three-year-old mixed-breed dog:

Embrace: $41/month

Trupanion: $167/month

Deductible Range: $200 - $500

Routine Exam Coverage: Not included

Revenue and Claims

  • Trupanion's revenue nearly a billion dollars
  • Paid $2 billion in claims since 2000

The pet insurance industry, by all means exciting, demands more rigorous regulation. While certain executives claim efforts are made to communicate the value proposition accurately, the rising number of disgruntled consumers suggests a disparity between promises and reality. My advice to pet owners is to assess options such as accident-only policies or higher deductible plans to temper monthly expenses. However, setting aside funds as a financial safety net for your pet's healthcare needs could be a more shrewd financial route than betting on fluctuating insurance premiums.

Guidance for Policyholders

Evaluating the Merits and Drawbacks of Pet Health Coverage

When assessing pet health insurance, it's crucial to weigh the benefits against potential downsides. On the plus side, coverage can save on unexpected veterinary costs, which can range from moderate to significant. This is particularly true when an emergency visit is required, which might run anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to well over a thousand. Insuring pets while they're young is advisable, as they're less likely to have pre-existing conditions, leading to more comprehensive coverage.

However, pet health insurance isn't without its fair share of disadvantages. Over time, premium costs can increase substantially; in my experience, a policy initially costing $33 monthly escalated to nearly $80 over nine years, a 141% hike. And despite policies stating an annual cap on rate increases, it can sometimes exceed the expected limit. Additionally, insurance doesn't typically cover routine check-ups, leading to out-of-pocket expenses regardless of your coverage.

Exploring Alternatives in Pet Health Cost Management

Consider other options for managing pet health expenses. One approach is creating a "rainy day" savings fund specifically for pet healthcare. This strategy involves regularly setting aside money you might otherwise spend on premiums. Over time, this fund can grow and may provide a solid financial base to draw from for both routine care and unforeseen medical needs. This approach can often be more financially beneficial in the long run since it eliminates the need for dealing with policy premiums and increases that accompany traditional pet insurance.

Assessing Policies for Accidental Coverage

Looking at accident-only coverage is advisable if you decide on obtaining pet insurance. These policies are intended to protect in emergency scenarios like car accidents or toxin ingestion. To make these policies more affordable, opting for a plan with a higher deductible can result in lower monthly payments. Though the upfront out-of-pocket cost at the time of an incident may be higher, the reduced monthly expense can make this form of coverage a middle ground between comprehensive insurance and having no coverage at all.

Personal Narrative

Analysis of My Pet Insurance Decision

When I first adopted Lucy as a puppy, obtaining pet insurance seemed a prudent measure, paralleling the way one would care for a child. I chose True Canyon, a major name in the industry, and initially felt content with my $33 monthly premium. However, over nine years, my premiums climbed by 141%, eventually reaching nearly $80 per month. Despite my policy outlining a ceiling on annual increases, some years observed my rates escalating beyond this limit.


Monthly Premium

Annual Increase Cap

Actual Annual Increase








>20% (varied by year)


  • Cumulative cost of premium over time
  • Actual veterinary expenses incurred
  • Comparison to anticipated budget

Financial Consequences of Opting for Pet Coverage

Upon reflection, the financial implications of my pet insurance choice have been considerable. With rising premiums over the years, I estimate that I am approximately $2,300 - $2,400 behind in comparison to what I would have paid out-of-pocket for Lucy's medical incidents. Research reveals that typical policies often do not balance out favorably against direct payments for pet health needs, given the many exclusions and additional out-of-pocket expenditures involved.

  • Emergency Vet Visit Costs: $250 - $1,600
  • True Canyon Nine Year Premium Total: Equivalent to high-end emergency visit
  • Potential Savings Without Insurance: $2,300 - $2,400

Alternative Strategy

Estimated Savings

Rainy Day Fund

$2,300 - $2,400 ahead

High Deductible Plan


Accident-Only Coverage

Relative to incidents

Through experience, setting aside funds for unforeseen events seems more economic than maintaining comprehensive pet insurance, as recommended by financial analysts.

Insights and Decisions on Pet Insurance

When I was considering pet insurance for Lucy, I thought about the level of care I’d want for her in case of an emergency. It’s an industry that's witnessed a surge in popularity, with the number of policies jumping by nearly 93% since 2019. It makes sense; just as you’d insure a family member to protect them, the same instinct kicks in for your pets. However, the journey hasn’t been straightforward.

I decided to go with a policy from one of the leading pet insurance companies, starting with a $33 monthly premium. Over nine years, that cost has inflated to almost $80 each month, an increase I didn't foresee, especially when it climbed more than 20% some years, against the maximum annual increase promised.

Cost Comparisons across Providers:

  • Embrace: $41 per month
  • Trupanion (my provider): $167 per month

Note: Prices varied for similar coverage with deductibles ranging from $200 to $500, and routine exams weren't included.

I spoke with Margie Tooth, the president of my insurance company, about concerns that the premiums have escalated beyond affordability. While she stands by the company's efforts to communicate potential price changes clearly, the reality is, many pet owners like myself feel the sting of what feels like a bait and switch scenario.

Kevin Bressler, from a non-profit that specializes in consumer advice, shared a perspective that resonates with me now. He views pet insurance as a poor financial product for many owners, suggesting an alternative approach of setting aside money for pet care.

Alternatives to Traditional Pet Insurance:

  • Accident-only Policies: These cover emergencies such as car accidents or poisonings.
  • Higher Deductible Plans: Opting for these can reduce monthly payments.
  • Rainy Day Fund: Saving the equivalent of monthly premiums for out-of-pocket expenses.

After evaluating all perspectives, it's my view that creating a dedicated savings fund might have been more beneficial financially for Lucy’s needs. Had I paid out of pocket for her medical incidents, I'd be financially ahead by approximately $2,300 to $2,400.

Despite this, some argue for the peace of mind these policies grant. It's wise to consider the varied angles and assess what suits you and your pet best. Ensuring you do thorough research into the various types of coverage and the long-term implications is critical, akin to how you would evaluate any other form of insurance.

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